This program is to be used for Vessel Experience Factor Calculation,
with the last rules of ASTM ( American Society for Testing and Material)
and the IP (Institute of Petroleum), in fact, no more than 10 Voyages
are to be included in this calculation.
With a preliminary calculation obtained by this program, is to be subtract
3% and from the same preliminary calculation is then to be added up the
same percentage of 3%. Automatically the result is recalculated as per
IP new rules.
Remember that Vessel Experience Factor is a number representative of
a Factor; therefore it is necessary to specify if this value has been
obtained dividing the SHORE total (i.e. Bill of Lading total) with the
SHIP's total and vice versa. In the first case we have to write for example
Vessel Experience Factor = 0.9978 SHORE/SHIP and in the vice versa case
we have to write for example Vessel Experience Factor = 1.0022 SHIP/SHORE.
On the basis of the above very important definition, it is possible to
compute the actual true quantity of liquid cargo received on board in
metric tons. It is very important to know that the ULLAGE REPORT issued
by the Chief Officer must be signed by the counterparty including the
Vessel Experience Factor calculation. Copy of this full report must be
an important enclosure for the ULLAGE REPORT.
Preliminarily, this program is supplied with a calculation to be used
only for an example and only the RETURN KEY of your keyboard is to be
used; but you can replace all data with new data. The program set aside
all voyages which are to be discarded by the percentage of 3% as per IP
rules. When you switch off your computer and then switch ON itself, the
last calculation effected, will appear and you can do very quickly a new